Thursday, January 2, 2014

Our life (as we knew it) is Over!

While Garbo is out on a hiking adventure with her "cousins" Buddie and Gemma, plus some other dog friends such as  beautiful Yuki,  we are taking the opportunity to post a few pictures for everyones pleasure!  Yes, there are those who laugh uproariously at the present condition of not only us, but our house... it is wild in every respect.  Turned upside down and topsy turvy!

These pictures speak for themselves... we are back out walking a lot.  Perhaps my pants will fit better soon?  One can always wish!
There are NO dull moments here.

We are so lucky to be able to play at a nearby agility field.

Spend time there as often as we can.

Hoping she will get TIRED!

Not much luck in that department.

She is a bit like the Energizer Bunny!


Going Non Stop!


and On

and then some.

Not looking tired

in the least!

During Christmas she had her OWN kids here!  She LOVES them!

As she took the time to "eat" Elliott's shoes, he might love her a bit less?? ...  'though I might add that he seemed quite  happy with his new pair.

When all else fails she "tortures" Mister Kitty.  We can see what he thinks...

Who IS this?  He wanted his dog buddy back for sure... but THIS??

Yea!  This is how it looks here these days..

Picking up?  Forget it!  It is hard enough holding things down!!!
Happy New Year to you and Thank God we have nights !:-)

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